Thursday, May 31, 2012

May Reading

I found this to be such an exciting book to read.  I loved all of the entertainment on each page.  The maps, pictures, poems, songs, etc, really livened up the read.  It breaks up the monotony that you see in a typical text book...aka: read 8 pages and answer questions.

On the other hand, if I was doing a report or research on this specific topic, I would certainly need to look elsewhere for the information.  It is not as content rich as other informational texts, but without a doubt I do think it is more kid-friendly!


  1. I agree. It was a great book to read and catch up on the information. As you said though, it does not have a lot of information that a student could use for research purposes. Easy to use to find a quick glimpse of history.

  2. The Hakim book makes a nice companion with the Gordon Wood book. Hakim certainly understands how to compose content and design page layout to appeal to a generation of "screen agers" accustomed to hyperlinked, interactive web resources. The Wood text provides a more traditional chronology to aid in more involved research.

  3. I agree with you Sara! When first picking up this book I was afraid I would be asleep before I turned the first page but that was not the case. I found my self enjoying the reading and actually remembering some of the things I learned in history class all those years ago. See, maybe I was paying attention!!
